Advertise with us
Advertise your website, product or business to thousands of visitors of
Everyday, thousand of visitors and  come to our website in search of one information or the other and they keep coming back to our website for useful information because they love our website.
Are you information marketer, website owner, business owner or you are looking for the right platform to promote your goods and services, is the right platform to get tone of traffics to your website and product page, autoresponder or signup page.
Get massive traffics from us and increase sales.
Below are our prices for different ads positions:

1) Ads Size: 125px X 125px
Position: Sidebar (top)
No of pages your ads will appear: all the pages
Price: #3500 ($25)
Duration: 1month (30days)
2) Ads size: 125px X 125px
Position: Sidebar (bottom)
No of pages your ads will appear: all the pages
Price: #1500 ($10)
Duration: 1month (30days)
3) Ads size: 160px X 600px
Position: Sidebar (top)
No of pages your ads will appear: all our pages
Price: #5500 ($40)
Duration: 1month (30days)

4) Ads size: 160px X 600px

Position: Sidebar (bottom)
No of pages your ads will appear: all our pages
Price: #2500 ($20)
Duration: 1month (30days)
5) Ads size: 125px X 125px
Position: Bottom of post
No of pages your ads will appear: all post
Price: #2000 ($25)
Duration: 1month (30days)

6) Ads size: 200-250px X 200-250px

Position: Bottom of post
No of pages your ads will appear: all post
Price: #4500 ($30)
Duration: 1month (30days)
7) Ads size: 90px X 700px
Position: Top (Just below the title and navigation bar)
No of pages your ads will appear: check the prices list below for different pages
Price:   Homepage only #6500 ($450
All Post pages #8500 ($60)
All the pages including hompage and post #11000 ($75)
Duration: 1month (30days)